The certified MDPs are available to assist Bell and Howell customers in resolving potential problems related to barcode quality and placement, mailpiece quality, and mailpiece dimensions, among other issues. Guidance from MDPs will help steer customers down the correct path of developing mailpieces that will be accepted by the USPS.
The MDP program gives participants in-depth knowledge of how to design letter-size and flat-size mailpieces that can easily be processed on high-speed automation equipment, maximize cost effectiveness and reduce processing delays. The curriculum includes postal addressing standards, class of mail and processing categories, Intelligent MailĀ® barcoding formats and print specifications, and designing automation letters and reply mail.
"As certified Mailpiece Design Professionals, our associates can better assist our customers in leveraging every opportunity to better serve their clients," says Jim Mann, senior vice president of the Bell and Howell postal software group. "Our investment in this training and certification program ensures that our customers are receiving the information, guidance and assistance they need, especially regarding mailpiece characteristics and acceptance standards. We take pride in our customer support. Making sure that our associates are experts in not only our software, but mailing in general, is a critical element in our commitment to provide our customers with the best service possible."
For more information, call 1-800-220-3030 or email
About Bell and Howell
Bell and Howell, LLC is a leading provider of solutions and services for paper-based and digital messaging solutions. The company's complete portfolio includes products that reduce production and postage costs, increase operational efficiency, message impact and relevancy, and ensure integrity and quality. Supporting these solutions is one of the largest dedicated service organizations in the industry. The company maintains facilities in Wheeling, Ill., Durham, N.C., Bethlehem, Pa. and Rochester, N.Y. For further information, please visit