Does it seem artificial intelligence is taking over? That nobody needs humans for many tasks because AI can do it faster, better, or cheaper?

It's easy to get that impression. AI is finding its way into the CCM world by enabling some operations. But skilled and experienced humans still need to confer with customers, deal with the USPS, and interpret much of the data that drives the customer communication environment. AI tools serve as valuable assets, but we cannot overlook the value of human judgment and creativity in this industry.

By leveraging the strengths of both AI and human intelligence, you can achieve a balanced and efficient workflow. The collaboration between technology and skilled professionals drives innovation and excellence in the world of customer communication and mailing services.

· Customer Interaction: Machines cannot replicate genuine human empathy and understanding when resolving complex customer issues or overseeing nuanced aspects of client relationships.

· USPS Navigation: Humans have the ability to navigate the often intricate and ever-changing regulations of postal services, ensuring timely and correct delivery of important mail.

· Data Interpretation: While AI excels at processing large volumes of data, human experts can interpret insights and make strategic decisions that require intuition and experience.

Print and Mail Tasks Still Requiring Human Expertise

One of the critical tasks still requiring human involvement in printing and mailing is client consultation. Skilled professionals need to understand the specific needs and preferences of each client, which often involves nuanced discussions about design, paper quality, variable data, and mailing strategies. AI cannot replicate this level of personalized service. It requires emotional intelligence and the ability to build trust through human interaction.

Another area where human experience is indispensable is dealing with the United States Postal Service (USPS). Navigating the complexities of postal regulations, rate changes, and delivery options requires a deep understanding of the system. Experienced professionals can interpret these regulations and make sure mailings comply with all requirements, avoiding costly delays or penalties.

Quality control is another task that relies on human oversight. While AI can help find errors, the trained eyes of a human professional can catch subtle issues, such as color discrepancies, paper defects, or alignment problems. This attention to detail ensures the final printed product meets the highest standards of quality.

Data interpretation is a crucial task where human intelligence plays a significant role. Although AI can process large volumes of data and generate reports, it is the human experts who can best interpret these insights. They can make strategic decisions based on the data, tailoring communication strategies to better meet customer needs and expectations.

Human expertise is also essential in the creative aspects of printing and mailing. Designing interesting and effective marketing materials requires a blend of artistic skill and marketing knowledge. Professionals in this field create visually appealing designs that resonate with target audiences, a task that may go beyond the capabilities of current AI technologies.

Project management in printing and mailing operations is another area where human skills are crucial. Coordinating multiple tasks, managing timelines, and ensuring all elements of a project come together seamlessly requires strong organizational skills and the ability to adapt to unforeseen challenges. Human project managers can communicate effectively with different teams and stakeholders, ensuring your organization completes projects on time and within budget.

How Human Professionals Add Value, Even if AI Is Helping

Humans bring a deep understanding of customer needs and preferences AI may not fully grasp. This insight allows for the customization of printed materials to better meet client expectations and enhance customer satisfaction.

Print and mail professionals can interpret complex data and make nuanced decisions AI might overlook. Humans, for example, can identify trends or anomalies in customer communication patterns that require a tailored approach.

Human proficiency is crucial in dealing with regulatory requirements and compliance issues. Professionals can ensure printed materials meet all legal standards, which is important in industries like healthcare and finance. AI might be helpful in doing a high-level compliance check, but do you really want to risk a rules violation because you left oversight up to an algorithm?

Skilled workers are effective at troubleshooting and problem-solving in real-time. While AI can predict and prevent some issues, human intervention is often necessary to handle unexpected challenges that arise during the printing and mailing process. Ask any inserter operator who has had to diagnose repeated jams and spend time fine-tuning the equipment before determining the correct combination of adjustments to make the job run smoothly.

AI has proven it can speed the creative process as it generates written and graphic elements. These elements are essential for effective communication, but they often need a human touch to resonate with the target audience and check that there's no "hallucinating" going on.

Chatbots are great, but customer service and relationship management are areas where humans significantly outperform AI. Only real people can build and maintain strong client relationships. It must be humans that offer personalized support and address concerns in a way that fosters trust and loyalty. You might let an automated assistant handle the FAQs but leave the more complex situations to experienced print and mail professionals.

AI might compose project plans, but humans must provide strategic oversight and long-term planning. They can align printing and mailing operations with broader business goals, ensuring all activities contribute to the organization's overall success.

Why Experience Matters in Customer Communications Management

Experience shapes intuition and foresight, qualities that algorithms lack. Skilled professionals anticipate customer needs and navigate complex, unpredictable scenarios. AI might process language quickly, but it misses the nuanced human touch essential for trust-building.

Customer Communication Management (CCM) thrives on personalized engagement. Customers would much rather receive a detailed, empathetic response addressing their specific concern than an automated, impersonal reply. Human experts excel in creating such personalized interactions, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty. Their situational awareness helps them adaptively solve problems, ensuring a seamless journey from start to finish. AI helps spot trends and optimize workflows, but it can’t replace the seasoned judgment honed by years of human experience.

Mike Porter at Print/Mail Consultants creates content that helps attract and retain customers for companies in the document industry and assists companies as they integrate new technology. Learn more about his services at Follow @PMCmike on X, or send him a connection request on LinkedIn.

