WASHINGTON The Governors of the U.S. Postal Service have approved new prices for mailing services, including a 2-cent increase in the price of a First-Class Mail stamp to 44 cents. Prices for mailing services are reviewed annually and adjusted each May. The new prices will go into effect Monday, May 11.

Customers can continue to mail letters at today's prices by purchasing the Forever Stamp before May 11. Forever Stamps were developed to help consumers ease the transition during price changes. Forever Stamps do not have a denomination and will be honored whenever they are used with no need for additional postage for a one-ounce letter mailing. On May 11 the price of the Forever Stamp will be 44 cents.

The new prices are available at www.usps.com/prices.
Rising operational costs make the price adjustments necessary; the increase tracks the 2008 rate of inflation. "The Postal Service is not immune to rising costs which are affecting homes and businesses across America today," said Postmaster General John Potter. "Even with the increases, the Postal Service continues to offer some of the lowest postage prices in the world."

For the average household, the First-Class Mail stamp price change will represent an additional $3 over the course of the year. When compared to annual increases in other household expenses, such as groceries, healthcare and utilities, the Postal Service continues to be an economical choice for shipping and mailing during tough economic times. For First-Class Mail, there will be no changes in the current additional ounce price, which remains at 17 cents.

"Whether you're a consumer or run a business, the Postal Service continues to offer a good deal during a time when we're all looking for ways to save," said Stephen M. Kearney, senior vice president for customer relations. "Our range of shipping and mailing options and low prices make the Postal Service the smart and easy choice."

The Postal Service has taken bold steps in recent years to adapt products and services to meet changing economic realities and the ways businesses operate and consumers live today. In Post Offices across the country and through usps.com, the Postal Service offers businesses and consumers easier access, quicker transactions, greater convenience and on-time delivery. The Postal Service set record on-time delivery scores for the delivery of First-Class Mail in 2008 and was voted by consumers as the most trusted government agency for the fifth consecutive year.
