Seattle, WA - A long-standing provider of postal mailing and quality solutions, Satori Software today announced that the majority of its Satori® Presort customers have already replaced their discontinued SAP® Postalsoft® ACE (address correction) software using Satori address correction technology. SAP has scheduled the end-of-life (EOL) for its Postalsoft DQ solutions in March 2015.
    So many of the companies impacted by the EOL use our Satori Presort software, which we acquired from SAP in 2012. These companies needed a CASS Certified address correction solution to keep doing their jobs," states Corey Smith, Satori Software vice president of sales, and they need to have confidence that their vendor will continue to protect them with timely regulatory and directory updates. "Now that we have proved its reliability in their high-demand environments, we're expanding the availability of our address correction solution to all Postalsoft DQ customers."

    Companies who currently use the SAP Postalsoft ACE software must quickly find a CASS Certified replacement solution or lose the ability to correct and update postal addresses to USPS standards. The Satori solution reads customers' existing ACE job files and converts them for processing through the Satori Architect U.S. address correction product. This technology allows companies to replace their SAP Postalsoft ACE software without changing existing processes.
    "Our development team, which includes many former Postalsoft/Firstlogic members, has a long history in this space," said Lou Peduto, director of sales at Satori Software. "No one should feel pressured to make a change that doesn't feel right. I would love to hear from those facing this end-of-life. We can do so much to make their transition easier. The migrations have gone incredibly well and I look forward to helping people find the right solution for their environment."
    Once connected to the Satori address correction solution, choosing either an on-premise or cloud-based deployment, customers may improve the quality of their contact data using other Satori data enrichment services including the Satori Move Update service, which can be used to process addresses against the full 48-month USPS® NCOALink® data set.
    To learn more about Satori Software® replacement options for SAP Postalsoft DQ products, call 1-855-597-2800 or visit