ORLANDO, FL- The U.S. Postal Service today honored Connecticut-based creative and marketing services firm, Sibley Smart Copy with the 2012 Deliver magazine Marketing Achievement in Innovation and Leadership (M.A.I.L.) award, presented during Wednesday morning's opening session at the National Postal Forum - the mailing industry's premier event and tradeshow.

"The Postal Service is pleased to honor Sibley Smart Copy with this year's M.A.I.L. Award," said Paul Vogel, president and chief marketing/sales officer, in presenting the award. "Their out-of-the-box use of direct mail and the results from their distinctive marketing campaign are sure to inspire other companies to consider using direct mail to get the attention of prospective new customers."

Direct mail is one of the most effective ways to promote new products and services. "It works, it's just that simple" Vogel said.

The M.A.I.L. award, given annually by the Postal Service's Deliver magazine, recognizes one outstanding company each year for creative, effective and successful use of direct mail to accomplish business goals. Sibley Smart Copy is being recognized as this year's winner for its high impact, highly personalized "Photo Mailer" created for iStudio Salons, a regional chain of salon communities in the greater Florida area. Accepting the award today was Barbara Sibley, president of Sibley Smart Copy for her creative direction, copywriting and project management of the "Photo Mailer" direct mail campaign.

"So many of my contemporaries and colleagues in marketing are really focused on getting their digital efforts ramped up, and I don't want to downplay the importance of that because I'm doing it, too," said Sibley. "But what this award does is validate my belief, and my client's belief, that if you really want to drive leads, and conversions, and eventually sales to a physical location, direct mail is still the best way to go."

The unique "Photo Mailer" was designed to look like the recipient was receiving photos from a friend, complete with a hand penned message: "Your photos are enclosed." Once opened, a second personalized handwritten note said they will love the enclosed photos. Then recipients were treated to a series of 15 photos that took them on a full color, glossy and handwritten captioned tour of an iStudio Salon.

The "Photo Mailer" direct mail piece proved to be something the recipient was excited to receive and happy to open. Results for the 923-piece direct mailing were equally exciting with 43 total responses or a 4.7 percent response rate, and a return on investment of 1,056 percent as it generated four new signed contracts with local beauty professionals eager to become part of the iStudio craze.

Nominations for the 2012 M.A.I.L. award were solicited through Deliver magazine, delivermagazine.com and the Postal Service sales team. Judging was conducted by representatives from the Postal Service and Deliver magazine and by private-sector direct mail experts. In addition to receiving the award, Sibley Smart Copy president Barbara Sibley participated in a workshop hosted by Deliver magazine that delved more deeply into this direct mail piece's success.

Two other companies were recognized for their use of direct mail by Deliver magazine. In second place was Infinity Direct for their submission of Dr. Garmont's Magical Marketing Mailer and third place was awarded to McCullough Creative for their "They got want they wanted" direct mail piece for John Deere.

The Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.