For current Confirm subscribers:
    >Program will continue uninterrupted for current subscribers until their 2012 expiration date, when they will be required to switch to IMb Tracing.
    >Planet Code use will be phased out by 2013. The USPS will work with current subscribers to transition over to the Intelligent Mail barcode.
    >Once all existing Confirm subscriptions expire, the Confirm name will be retired.

    For Future users of IMb Tracing (starting January 22, 2012)
    >No subscription fees, no subscriber delegate charges to register Mailer IDs. Current Confirm data feeds will become "IMb Tracing", a benefit of automation First Class and Standard Intelligent Mail letters and flats (both Full Service and Basic IMb).
    >In the future, additional information on container scan activity will be available to Full Service IMb users only.

