Dec. 6 2021
Late in every year, it’s inevitable that people ask about the outlook for the following year. To answer any such forward-looking question, though, it’s always necessary to behind us and...
June 13 2021
That the Postal Service is seeking higher rates – significantly higher rates – is no longer breaking news. Nonetheless, some of what lies behind
May 28 2021
There was a commercial for Toyota that aired several years ago that had the tag line, “You asked for it, you got it.” In this case, given that the Postal Service finally issued its 10-year
April 22 2021
Back in 2014, the Postal Service was developing something called Real Mail Notification as part of its continuing effort to keep hard-copy mail relevant in an increasingly electronic world. A
phone can
March 24 2021
Over the past few months, and especially over the recent holiday season, there were many occasions on which a postal customer – a representative of a commercial mailer, a mailer’s client
March 15 2021
For the Postal Service, it was one that will not be remembered fondly. The pandemic impacted USPS employees, severely suppressed the mailing activity of many businesses, and drove an unforesee
Feb. 5 2021
Usually, after the busy fall mailing season and the holiday rush, things return to normal for the Postal Service and its commercial mailing customers. As everyone knows, however, the cur
Sept. 1 2020
In today’s political climate, all of us see a constant flow of news that, depending on the outlet, is colored by the opinions of the presenter. While people can argue over “fake news,”...
May 13 2020
It’s common in the retail world for a store to have a special promotion – signage, advertising, and reduced prices – to build sales of a given product or to drive more customers into...
May 5 2020
Prisoners on bread and water get just the minimum to stay alive. For whatever reason, their wardens won’t simply kill them, but they won’t restore them to health, either. The current way the...
April 7 2020
Depending on who’s telling the story, postage prices may rise by a little or a lot, or may not, because the Postal Service will go broke otherwise, or it won’t. Any ratepayer would be confus
Dec. 23 2019
Recently, we were asked how long it is necessary to retain data. This, of course, begged the question, what data? The answer in all cases is: all the files that would be needed to recreate all
Dec. 10 2019
In separate orders, the Postal Regulatory Commission has approved price changes for 2020 for USPS competitive products and most market-dominant products, but rejected the Postal Service’s pr
Sept. 29 2019
In a September 13 decision, the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit granted a petition for review of the Postal Regulatory Commission’s November 13, 2018, order approving the postage pric
Jan. 11 2019
Every February, people in Punxsutawney (PA) drag a poor hibernating woodchuck out of its burrow so it can be used to forecast how much winter weather remains. This annual rite has long outlived its pr
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Dec. 12 2018
There has to be a certain sense of satisfaction to the leaders of the Postal Service, not because they’re part of the team that runs a sprawling public agency, or because they control a multi-billio
Nov. 1 2018
An unfortunate yet chronic criticism of the Postal Service is that it seems to not understand its commercial customers’ businesses. What they do, why they do it, what their business objectives are...
July 10 2018
Anyone reading the postal press may encounter references to “postal reform” and whether it will ever happen. People not in our industry may wonder just exactly what “postal reform”...
Sept. 6 2013
By Leo Raymond
Aug. 31 2009
By Leo Raymond
