In an article on the DM News web site (www.dmnews.con) Senior Editor, Melissa Campanelli reports that at the February meeting of the MATC, PMG John Potter announced that the U.S. Postal Service will soon publish the new requirements in the Federal Register.  Below is an excerpt from the article.  For additional info visit

    From DM News, Melissa Campanelli:

    The buzz at the quarterly Mailers' Technical Advisory Committee meeting yesterday at postal headquarters was a surprising announcement by Postmaster General John E. Potter: The agency will expand its Move Update rules to include advertising mail and change the frequency of the program.

    Under current rules for Move Update, which is designed to reduce undeliverable-as-addressed mail, First-Class mailers can receive automation or presort rates when they update addresses every 180 days using the Address Change Service, NCOALink or another USPS-approved service. Now the program will be expanded.

    "We are going to put out a Federal Register notice and move the requirement to three months rather than six months, and we are going to do it for advertising mail as well," Mr. Potter said.

    He said the agency would give mailers 180 days to implement the new rules after they are finalized via the Federal Register. He did not mention a Federal Register notice date.

    Mr. Potter said there would be serious consequences for people who don't use the Move Update system, although he did not elaborate.

    A keyreason for the change, according to Mr. Potter, was to make sure that the people who want to receivemail are receiving it -- and that those who don't aren't receiving it -- given the current rash of do-not-mail bills that have cropped up in nine states this year

