Océ, a global leader in digital document management and delivery solutions, today announced five strategies organizations can adopt to increase the efficiency of complex mail systems. Océ Business Services developed the recommendations based on their expertise working with hundreds of corporations across the U.S. and deep knowledge of document printing and management solutions. Organizations that integrate these strategies into their mailroom operations can anticipate providing better service and significantly reducing costs.

Document handling can account for 15 percent of an organization's revenue and up to 45 percent of costs associated with office workers. The corporate mailroom is often the center of document handling activities, so streamlining and improving complex mail systems can yield significant improvements in business efficiency.

"Océ Business Services routinely reviews the components of our clients' mail systems to determine where extraneous costs can be eliminated," said Walter Baransky, chief operations officer, Océ Business Services. "To that end, we look beyond the mailroom to records management, document management and print and imaging functions to uncover opportunities for improved efficiency. For organizations just getting started with the process, the following guidelines can start them on the right path."

Mailroom Efficiency is Five Steps Away
Océ Business Services' professionals can help optimize even the most complex mailroom operations. For companies looking to begin to improve their own processes, Océ Business Services recommends the following:

Decrease Costs by Saving PaperTake a minimalist approach to document design. When possible, cut text, taglines, fonts and sidebars on documents that will be mailed. Two-sided copies allow easier handling of print distribution and can result in significant reductions in postal weight and price. Combine separate mailings when possible into one to save more money. Beyond this, take a close look at where physical document distribution can be replaced electronically.

Stay on Top of Postal and Regulatory ChangesSmall changes in postal regulations and fees can have a big impact on the bottom line. Mailroom employees should remain current on adjusted rates, compliance, security and mail regulations. With a comprehensive understanding of postal regulations, fees and potential increases, management can more effectively plan their budgets. Online resources for more information about postal regulations include, the National Postal Forum ( http://www.npf.org/), MAILCOM ( http://www.mailcom-conference.com/) and the Postal Customers Council ( http://www.usps.com/nationalpcc/).

Aggressively Manage the Data ListFor the average organization, each returned envelope represents a $1.50-$2.00 loss in mailroom costs alone. Most organizations know they should cull aged and outdated databases; few realize that improving the structure and format of data-entry fields can help ensure addresses are correctly entered and that returned mail is reported and corrected. Managing the data lists from a single file can minimize duplicate mailings to the same address caused by nicknames, spelling errors, initials and last name changes.

Pursue Continued Training and EducationInvest in building a more engaged, knowledgeable and efficient mail systems team to improve efficiencies. A U.S. Postal Service-sponsored training program, Mail Piece Quality Control, is a great place to start.

Periodically Evaluate Mail Systems EfficiencyPolicies that limit the amount of money a company will allow to accumulate on postage meters can save tens of thousands of dollars per year in a busy mailroom. Similarly, business guidelines that limit use of services such as overnight delivery to only the situations that require it can save even more.

About Océ Business Services
Océ Business Services is one of the world's leading providers of document process management services, equipment and software solutions for the office and public sector markets. The company integrates advanced technology, people and processes to manage business document assets throughout their lifecycle. Océ outsourcing solutions span copy and print, document needs assessment, fleet management, mail distribution and fulfillment, imaging and records management, office services and business performance management. About 6,000 professionals serve our clients in North America. Océ advanced solutions help enterprises increase document process efficiency and effectiveness, gain flexibility, reduce costs and contribute to improved business performance. For more information, visit www.ocesolutions.com.

About Océ
Océ is a leading provider of digital document management technology and services. The company's solutions are based on Océ's advanced software applications that deliver documents and data over internal networks and the Internet to printing devices and archives -- locally and around the world. Supporting the workflow solutions are Océ digital printers and scanners, considered the most reliable and productive in the world. Océ also offers a wide range of display graphics, consulting and outsourcing solutions.

