Postal Service encourages mailers to review and comment


    The Postal Service has published a Federal Register notice proposing modern service standards for market-dominant products. The new postal law requires the Postal Service, in consultation with the Postal Regulatory Commission, to establish a set of modern service standards for market-dominant products no later than Dec. 20, 2007.


    According to the law, market-dominant products are: First-Class Mail letters and sealed parcels, First-Class Mail cards, Periodicals, Standard Mail, single-piece Parcel Post, Media Mail, bound printed matter, library mail, special services and single-piece international mail. The Postal Service proposes that outbound single-piece First-Class Mail International be included in the market-dominant category.


    Mailers are encouraged to review and comment on the proposal before Nov. 16, 2007.


    In addition to the Federal Register, this notice also is available at the Mailers Technical Advisory Committee (MTAC) website at http://ribbs/mtac.html.


