Final Rule On Changes Now Posted Online

The Postal Service is changing prices and mailing standards for Periodicals July 15. The new prices enhance efficiency, offer more choices and better ensure that all types of Periodicals mail cover their costs. Periodicals mailers have new incentives to use efficient containers and bundles, and copalletization becomes a permanent offering to encourage more publishers to combine mailings.

 Also added are the new prices for the non-advertising portion of a mailing to give mailers of high-editorial-content publications access to lower destination entry rates.

 Most new domestic and international pricing changes took effect May 14. However, the Governors of the Postal Service delayed until July 15 implementing new rates for Periodicals to give postal employees and mailers more time to prepare for the complex pricing structure recommended by the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC). The PRC recommended different prices based on container type, entry point and level of sortation. 

The final rule is posted on the Postal Service Web site at



