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Jan. 18 2011 07:36 AM

According to DM News, "Recent data suggests consumers will be viewing both the physical and online worlds through their mobile devices as the norm, not the exception. Technology like 2D codes can be used to connect these worlds through the consumer's mobile device. A 2D code is a two-dimensional barcode that links to an online experience when scanned with a mobile device. A downloaded software application turns a mobile device's camera lens into an optical scanner. Each code is encoded with specific information like a URL or contact information. For marketers, 2D codes open a gateway for consumers to conveniently access online information, coupons, videos, directions and more, at precisely the time and location it is most relevant. 2D codes are distinguished from one-dimensional (1D) barcodes because they can be read or scanned horizontally or vertically by optical scanners not just by laser scanners. They afford enormous flexibility and can be designed in virtually any size for use on all sorts of media." Read more!