The Washington Post has reported that the Government Accountability Office has concluded that "The U.S. Postal Service's current business model "is not viable," and the mail agency should make deeper job and wage cuts, hire more part-time staff and consider outsourcing some operations, according to a draft of a government audit acquired by The Washington Post. Auditors also urge Congress to remove restrictions on the Postal Service's ability to close post offices and cut Saturday mail delivery, according to the report, which offers recommendations similar to those proposed in the USPS's 10-year business plan. Auditors appeared to push beyond the USPS proposal. "If no action is taken, risks of larger USPS losses, rate increases and taxpayer subsidies will increase," the report said. The Postal Service should provide more lucrative incentive packages to potential retirees in efforts to accelerate attrition, auditors said. They also recommended that USPS consider outsourcing more delivery routes and mail services to contractors, as well as concessions on wages and benefits from its labor unions during negotiations later this year." Read the full article here.
