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Aug. 31 2010 08:33 PM

Postal Affairs Blog--There is a press release making the rounds that makes some misguided statements regarding Full Service Intelligent Mail. The assumption that mailers MUST go directly to Full Service is not 100% accurate. Yes, in order to get the postage discount of $1 per thousand for Standard mail, and $3 per thousand for First-Class mail, Full Service is required. However, Full Service comes at a COST. There is a cost associated to mail service providers in order to be able to offer this service. There needs to be management of unique barcodes for pieces, sacks, trays, and pallets. Pallet placards must be affixed to the outside of pallet wraps, requiring some form of adhesive that is not needed otherwise. There are more electronic requirements, including use of PostalOne!, and FAST. Yes, there is a postage discount. In many cases, the cost of providing the service far outweighs that discount. 
Read the full post on the Postal Affairs Blog here