USPS has revised 703.1.6.11 to change the maximum value of a "low-cost item" to $9.10. The value is adjusted each year by the Internal Revenue Service for cost of living.


    1.6.11 Products Mailable at Nonprofit Standard Mail Rates

    [2-14-08] The following products are mailable at Nonprofit Standard Mail rates:

    a. Low-cost items within the meaning of 26 USC 513(h)(2), Internal Revenue Code. At the beginning of each calendar year, the value of low-cost items is adjusted for cost of living. Effective January 1, 2008, the cost of such items cannot exceed $9.10. This cost is the cost to the authorized organization that mails the items or on whose behalf the items are mailed.

    b. Items donated or contributed to the qualified organization. Such items do not have to meet the definition of a low-cost item.

    c. A periodical publication (as defined in 707.4.0) of a nonprofit organization unless it is ineligible under1.6 to be mailed at the Nonprofit Standard Mail rates.

    1.6.12 Matter Mailed by Voting Registration Official

    The voting registration official may mail, at the Nonprofit Standard Mail rates, only qualifying Standard Mail matter that is required or authorized to be mailed at those rates by the National Voter Registration Act of 1993.

    1.6.13 Evidence of Eligibility

    On request, an organization authorized to mail at the Nonprofit Standard Mail rates must provide evidence to the USPS, or cause evidence held by another party to be provided to the USPS, about the eligibility of any of its mail matter or mailings to be sent at those rates. Any failure to provide evidence needed for a ruling on the eligibility of matter to be sent at the Nonprofit Standard Mail rates, or to cause such evidence to be provided, is sufficient basis for a finding that the matter is not eligible for the Nonprofit Standard Mail rates, as well as for the revocation of the organization's authorization to mail at the Nonprofit Standard Mail rates.


