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Jan. 20 2011 05:18 PM

The following is a perspective by postal commentator Gene Del Polito. The views expressed are solely the author's.

It's getting tiresome. For the past two years, people within what is euphemistically called "the postal community" have been talking, almost endlessly, about the need to get Congress to recognize the screwed up realities surrounding the Postal Service's payments toward postal employee retirement benefits. And, for at least the past two years, there's been a lot of talk, and very little substantive action to rectify the mess.

Yes, some bills have been introduced. You probably, however, can have bills introduced for just about everything and anyone, including your dog Spot. When you consider that the overwhelming proportion of bills that are introduced in each Congress never see enactment, it's kind of hard to get excited about any proposal that hasn't got legs. Read more!