From the DMM Advisory--Today, we notified the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) that we will change prices for our Mailing Services products, which include First-Class Mail®, Standard Mail®, Periodicals, Package Services and Extra Services.

    The new prices take effect on April 17, 2011, almost two years since the Postal Service last raised prices for Mailing Services products. Based on a price cap calculated by the PRC using Consumer Price Index (CPI) data, we will increase prices by an average of 1.741 percent across each Mailing Services class of mail.

    The new prices can be viewed online on Postal Explorer® at Click on the link in the left blue navigation frame under "*New* April 17, 2011 Pricing Information."

    We will use the DMM Advisory to keep you informed.

    The Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) is available on Postal Explorer ( To subscribe to the DMM Advisory, send an e-mail to Simply indicate "subscribe" in the subject line.