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May 2 2013 05:49 PM

Window Book Postal Concierge--
Q: Do I need to get an IDEAlliance User License Code to use Mail.dat® files?
A: Yes, if you plan to generate, edit, or update Mail.dat files. IDEAlliance® has made the process of obtaining these User License Codes easier than ever by allowing software vendors to distribute these codes. If you need to obtain a User License Code, contact your presort or post-presort software vendor to make sure they are members of IDEAlliance and have the authority to assist you. (Window Book has full authorization to create and distribute User License Codes and does so at no charge.) If you are not sure whether you already have a User License Code, contact IDEAlliance at

Q: Do the Intelligent Mail barcodes have to be unique?
A: For Full-Service, yes, the barcodes on the individual mailpieces must be unique for a period of at least 45 days, as do the barcodes on the handling unit labels (tray tags, sack tags, tub tags) and container labels (pallet placards). Keep in mind that any large container you use, whether it is a pallet, a Gaylord box, OTR, APC, or rolling stock, must include a barcoded pallet placard, even if these are just convenience or courtesy (i.e. not presorted according to DMM requirements) containers.

Q: When does the 45 day uniqueness "clock" start?
A: That varies depending on the method you use to submit your electronic documentation (eDoc). The 45-day period of uniqueness is based on the postage statement mailing date in the CSM file in Mail.dat, the Postage Statement Create Request in Mail.XML, or the postage statement mailing date in Postal Wizard.

Q: How do I manage keeping all the barcodes unique for 45 days?
A: Most presort software has utilities to help you manage the uniqueness, and there are many service providers who also offer this service. Post-presort software can help you manage the uniqueness of the handling unit and container label barcodes. Mailers may need to use multiple Mailer Identification numbers (MID's) to manage the uniqueness, and you need to take into account the total production time of the mailing, from the point that the unique mailpiece ID's are created, any physical production of the mail, staging and storing of the mail for multiple drops, through the mailing dates described above. In some cases, this may mean mailers need to actually maintain the uniqueness for periods of up to six months (or longer) to accommodate all these processes.

Q: How do I get a MID and CRID?
A: Mailers should open an account on PostalOne! through the Business Customer Gateway. Through this account you may then apply for MIDs and CRIDs. The USPS also provides additional detail on this process on their RIBBS web site.

Q: As a mail service provider, do I need to get MIDs and CRIDs for all my clients?
A: If you will be submitting eDoc on your clients' behalf, then you will need to include the MID/CRID information in the eDoc, and it needs to be tied to the correct postal permit. If your clients do not already have MIDs/CRIDs, you may apply for them on their behalf as long as you obtain their written permission to do so. If they already have MIDs/CRIDs but you don't know what they are, you may submit a request to PostalOne! to obtain this information either on an individual basis, or by using an Excel spreadsheet for multiple clients. By the same token, the permits used to pay for the postage must be tied to the correct MID's. Contact the PostalOne! Help Desk for more information at (800) 522-9085 or

Q: Whose MID do I use in the barcodes? My own MID or the MID of the mail service provider?
A: This depends on who you want to receive the data coming back from the USPS. For example, if you take advantage of the free IMb Tracing data, you would want to use the MID of the entity you wish to get the tracking data from the USPS. If you are using a third party to receive and interpret the USPS tracking data, you would want to use their MID. On the handling unit and container labels, you may wish to use your own MID, or you may wish to use the MID of the mail preparer. Keep in mind, however, that if you use MIDs other than your own, you need to consider the impact of this on maintaining the 45 day uniqueness. If other mailers are also using the MIDs of third party vendors, there is the risk of IMb duplication if this is not managed properly.

Q: What does By/For mean and what do I need to do with this information?
A: The USPS requires that you include information in your eDoc identifying the entities involved in processing the mailing. For example, the owner of the mail must be identified, as must the preparer of the physical mail, and the entity paying the postage. The entity providing the service is identified using the "By" information, while the owner of the mail is identified using the "For" information. The identification is done using MIDs and CRIDs.

Q: Do I need to get certified with the USPS to submit eDoc?
A: Yes, there is a certification process which the USPS has recently simplified if you are using USPS certified software to submit your eDoc. You will need to check out the guides for this process to determine which method applies to your mailing operation. Then you will need to access the Test Environment for Mailers (TEM) portion of PostalOne! to download the USPS MD Client TEM software and submit the required test files. (Window Book offers an Intelligent Mail OnRamp Service that can help you achieve your TEM certification.)

Q: If I use certified software to submit eDoc, I can just submit a few files in TEM to get certified, correct?
A: Yes, that is correct. HOWEVER, we strongly encourage mailers to do robust testing using TEM. Even though you need only submit a few files for certification, you should test using all the different types of files and all the different mailing classes, processing categories, and various mailing scenarios that you normally encounter in your mailing operation. This testing is very critical as it is important that you learn how PostalOne! works and what the process is to make the necessary corrections when errors or failures occur. It is much easier to go through this process in a testing mode and incorporate the necessary correction processes into your workflow BEFORE you go into production. Errors that occur during production can delay or even stop your mail, so robust TEM testing before going into production is time well spent.

Q: What is the Service Type ID and how do I know which one to use? A: The Service Type ID (STID) is used to identify the class of mail and any services that you wish to use for the mailing. For example, if you wish to use Address Change Service (ACS), there are specific STID's for those services based on class of mail. You should discuss your business needs internally in your organization, as well as with your mail service providers to determine which services best suit your needs, which will then dictate which STIDs to use for which mailings. The USPS provides a listing of all available STIDS on the RIBBS web site.

The USPS provides many resources for assistance with Intelligent Mail. Window Book offers our DAT-MAIL post-presort software solution, which has been certified for eDoc, so that mailers can easily edit and update Mail.dat files, generate the uniquely barcoded handling unit and container placards, and submit mailings electronically to PostalOne!. Sign up for a FREE Intelligent Mail Readiness analysis to help you analyze where you are in the implementation process and what is left for you to do. Our Intelligent Mail On-Ramp Service (IMORS) provides assistance to walk you through the certification process.

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