There has been a recent advertising shift away from e-Newsletters towards a more popular and effective marketing tool -- direct mail newsletters.

    Haliburton, Ontario (PRWeb) January 24, 2007 -- There has been a recent advertising shift away from e-Newsletters towards a more popular and effective marketing tool -- direct mail newsletters.

    The trend back to direct mail newsletters has become increasingly popular once again. This may be a surprise to some who have been using the Internet, specifically e-Newsletters as a marketing medium. Marketing using the Internet can be fast and it can be relatively inexpensive. However, research indicates that e-Newsletters are not the best way for businesses to effectively communicate with their customers and clients.

    Patient News Publishing, one of
    North America's leading providers of innovative customized dental health newsletters, has realized that despite the popularity and increased use of the Internet, that it does not provide the most effective method for marketing.

    After numerous studies were conducted, it has been concluded that newsletters sent to clients via email, focus groups and studies resulted in lower readings and minimal retention rates. Oftentimes, e-mail marketing is ignored because it looks like it is just another piece of advertising sent to drum up business and computer spam filters often discard it before the client ever gets a chance to read it.

    "Newsletters work," states Joanne Bishop, vice president for Patient News Publishing (, a leader in the custom newsletter-publishing field. Patient News Publishing, located in Haliburton, Ontario, specializes in producing quality custom dental marketing newsletters for dental practices. "For our clients, a customized patient newsletter is a powerful goodwill ambassador and practice-builder," says Bishop. "A patient newsletter is essential for every dental practice that has or wants an established patient base. It will combat naturally occurring attrition and help promote services. It will strengthen brand awareness and generate high quality new patients. It will educate and help communicate. It will introduce services and help referral growth. It is a superior marketing tool," adds Bishop.

    Patient News Publishing has used this valuable piece of information, as well as their own research and experience, to capitalize on the advertising shift toward direct mail marketing. This publishing company has found that their services of offering professionally produced direct-mail custom newsletters that contain eye-catching graphics and interesting text, are being read cover to cover and being retained for future reference.

    The trend and success rates of direct mail marketing newsletters and printed advertising indicate that custom company newsletters provide a successful way for businesses to promote themselves, develop customer loyalty and build brand awareness.

    Typically following the technological trends is valuable to businesses; however, for marketing newsletters, direct mail has been taking the lead once again. This has been proven as one of the most effective marketing mediums and is ideal for a wide variety of businesses, as diverse as car dealerships, beauty salons, and medical and dental practices, custom newsletters offer the business owner a personalized way of staying in touch with their customers by letting them know first hand about new products and services.

    Whether your dental marketing goals include improving patient communication, generating new high quality patients or both, Patient News Publishing has created a dental newsletter program that really works. Call 1-800-667-0268 ext. 223 today for a free consultation, or visit for more information.


    Press Contact: Joanne Bishop
    Company Name: Patient News Publishing
    Email: email protected from spam bots
    Phone: (800)667-0268+223



