Postal Explorer is an online source for up-to-date mailing standards. The Domestic Mail Manual is fully searchable on Postal Explorer and features fly-out menus, cross-reference links and an extensive subject index. Today we updated our mailing standards to capture the following changes:

    Pricing and Mailing Standards Changes for Shipping Services
    We revised mailing standards and prices throughout the DMM to support the pricing change recommended by the Postal Regulatory Commission and approved by the Governors of the United States Postal Service. The new prices and standards are effective January 4, 2010 and are for the following Shipping Services; Express Mail, Priority Mail, Parcel Select, and Parcel Return Service.

    Permit Imprint with Extra Services
    We revised 604.5.3.7 and 604.5.3.8 to clarify the permit imprint class markings for Standard Mail and Package Services mail items, and to allow abbreviated phrasing when using permit imprint postage with extra services.

    Products Mailable at Nonprofit Standard Mail Prices
    We revised 703.1.6.11 to meet Internal Revenue Code restrictions for products that are mailed at the Nonprofit Standard Mail prices that meet at least one of three exceptions.

    Expanded Option for Hardcopy and Electronic Return Receipt
    We revised 503.6.2.1 to allow a combined purchase of hardcopy and electronic return receipt service.

    Priority Mail Commercial Base and Commercial Plus Prices Expanded to Merchandise Return Service Priority Mail Items
    We revised 402.2.1a., 423.1.0, 424.1.1, 425.2.2, and 507.11.1.5, to allow Priority Mail commercial base and commercial plus prices for permit holders who use Priority Mail service for Merchandise Return Service (MRS) mailpieces.

    Stamped Mail over 13 Ounces Must be Presented at a Retail Service Counter
    We revised 116.1.0, 126.1.0, 156.1.0, 176.1.0, 186.1.0, 426.1.0, 507.6.0, 601.11.0, and 703.2.0 to require all mailpieces weighing more than 13 ounces bearing only postage stamps be presented to a Postal Service employee at a retail service counter in a Post Office.

    Permit Imprint Postage Payment Allowed for Express Mail Using the Electronic Verification System (eVS)
    We revised 413.1.0 and 414.1.0 to clarify that Express Mail commercial base and commercial plus prices are available to permit imprint customers using the Electronic Verification System (eVS) program to document and pay postage. 

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