Pricing Priority Mail in Post Offices
Yesterday, we described the specific calculations to determine whether our new proposed dimensional pricing will apply to a specific Priority Mail package. Commercial mailers, software providers, and others will incorporate these specifications into their processes.

The good news for retail customers bringing Priority Mail to the Post Office is that we will do the math for you. We will consider three key questions:

  1. Is it a Priority Mail package?
  2. Is it going somewhere in zones 5 through 8 (a long distance)?
  3. It is larger than a cubic foot?
If the answer is probably or definitely yes to all three, then we will both weigh and measure the package and enter the measurements into our Point of Service (POS) terminal which will calculate the correct postage. The POS will know whether to base the postage on the actual weight or the physical size.

Quick, easy and convenient.

Sizing Tip
An easy way to approximate a cubic foot is using a USPS flat tub. If the package fits completely within the tub, it is not subject to dimensional pricing.

