DM News has reported that "Marketers and catalogers that rely on the mail to reach consumers decried the US Postal Service's proposed "exigent price increases," saying the rate hikes would have drastic negative financial repercussions for their 2011 operational and marketing plans. Some organizations said they will cut back on the number of mailings or pieces they send, while others promised to switch some programs to other forms of advertising, including e-mail, telemarketing and print periodicals. Some mailers said they will move more aggressively to the Internet. International Masters Publishers, Publishers Clearinghouse and other continuity shippers face an especially brutal postage increase because they use the entire spectrum of mailing services. They use Standard Mail for acquisition of new customers or club members; invoicing of customers via First Class Mail; and product fulfillment, often sent as non-machinable flat mail (about a 38% increase) or Standard Parcels (23.3% average increase)." Read the full story here.
