June 28 2007 04:10 PM

DMM Advisory

Pricing and Classification keeping you informed about the prices and mailing standards of the United States Postal Service




Current Prices


Plant-verified drop shipment (PVDS) Periodicals mailings verified and paid for before Sunday, July 15, using current prices, will be accepted at destination entry postal facilities until Monday, July 30, 2007, when presented with appropriate verification and payment documentation.


New Prices


Effective immediately, PVDS mailings may be verified and paid for using the new prices, provided the shipments are not deposited at destination entry postal facilities until Sunday, July 15, or later, when presented with appropriate verification and payment documentation.


New Customer Support Ruling for Mailers Preparing Pallets


We issued new Customer Support Ruling (CSR) PS-327, "Preparing and Labeling Low Volume Pallets." This CSR allows mailers to use low-volume pallets when a barcoded label is applied for efficient mail tracking.


New CSR PS-327, and all CSRs, are available on Postal Explorer at pe.usps.com (click "Customer Support Rulings" on the homepage). CSRs help Postal Service employees and customers use our mailing standards by providing examples of specific mailpieces and an analysis of how the standards are applied. CSRs cover many topics and can be easily searched and sorted on Postal Explorer.


The Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) is available on Postal Explorer (pe.usps.com). To subscribe to the DMM Advisory, send an e-mail to dmmadvisory@usps.com. Simply indicate "subscribe" in the subject line.



