I want to start out by extending a huge “thank you” to everyone who completed this survey. We know it’s a lot of data that you may need to look up and crosscheck, and we sincerely appreciate you taking the time to do so. We would not be able to do this survey year after year without you.
Overall, this year’s results were fairly encouraging. For non-managerial staff, the average hourly wages went up in almost every category compared to 2021 (although some were still not back to 2020 levels). The average salary for both mail center managers and supervisors also increased compared to last year, as did the average time in the industry. That latter part is especially positive given all we hear about so many in our industry retiring without anyone readily available to replace them. Of course, there were some downsides as well. More managers are experiencing salary freezes compared to last year, and fewer managers hold the CMDSM certification.
As always, feel free to peruse these results and see how your mail center stacks up. And if you weren’t able to participate in this year’s survey, we hope you are able to in 2023. Click below for the full results.