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Aug. 1 2011 07:45 PM

    Postal Explorer® ( is your source for up-to-date mailing standards. The Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) is fully searchable on Postal Explorer and features fly-out menus, cross-reference links, and an extensive subject index.
    Today, we updated our mailing standards to capture the following changes:
    Media Mail and Library Mail-Consolidation We revised 170, 370, and 470 to combine the standards for Media Mail® and Library Mail. With that combination, sections 180, 380, and 480 are eliminated.

    Use of Precanceled Stamps-Clarification We revised 234, 244, 334, 344, 434, 444 and 604.3.0 to clarify standards for use of precanceled stamps and the use of mailer's precancel postmarks.