According to the Lansing State Journal, "the real problems with the Postal Service are actually concentrated on Capitol Hill. Congress, after all, tells the service to provide six days of mail delivery, whether that's a good business practice or not. Congress requires the service to "pre-fund the $5.4 billion needed for its retired worker health benefits, rather than coming up with it on a pay-as-you-go basis, as other federal agencies do," reports the Washington Post. Members of Congress also tend to squawk when talk turns to closing post offices with light traffic. But what is the Postal Service to do, when 26,000 of its 32,000 post offices lose money, as the Christian Science Monitor reports? The service projects it could absorb more than $200 billion in losses by 2020. That's evidence of a broken business model - something to rebuild, not tinker with." Read the full story here.