June 21 2016
Marketers are looking for ways to connect more meaningfully with customers. These days, they are not interested in doing 200,000 static mailing runs, but they will invest in a print and online c... View More
June 17 2016
Have you had an experience lately when a company made an effort to connect with you personally? Where you had the feeling they actually knew something about their relationship with you and commu... View More
June 10 2016
This was fiction when it was first published on June 8, 1949: Winston Smith is a member of the Outer Party. He works in the Records Department in the Ministry of Truth, rewriting and disto... View More
June 2 2016
Most of my mail fails to impress me. Even though modern software, hardware, and data makes creating and producing highly personalized and segmented mail an achievable outcome, much of the conten... View More
April 27 2016
Have you ever looked at a product online, and a short time later seen an ad for that same product on a completely different website? Yeah? Then you’ve been “retargeted.” Retargeting... View More
April 19 2016
Fans will quickly recognize the “I’m not dead yet” quote from the famous comedy scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and — unlikely though it may seem — there is a connection... View More
April 18 2016
MILFORD, Conn., April 4, 2016 – Neopost USA, a provider of hardware and software to mailers and shippers of all sizes, has launched OMS-500, a browser-based software solution that allows users... View More
April 13 2016
Every month, like clockwork, your organization has a prime transactional opportunity with a captive audience – your customer. Whether print or digital, your company has the opportunity to interact... View More
April 12 2016
A man embarked on a round-the-world speaking tour in 1895. Two years later, he arrived in London. His name was Samuel Clemens — an American humorist, novelist and social critic. You may also know... View More
Feb. 11 2016
So, the holiday season is behind us and we finally get to stop deleting emails, clearing out spam boxes and take the time to look up and appreciate the winter sky as opposed to looking up and do... View More
Jan. 28 2016
To survive in this evolving digital landscape, those of us in the printing industry need to adapt — and FAST. In the last five years, according to leading industry research company IBISWorld... View More
Jan. 27 2016
I was watching a television show recently that told the story of a company with a production throughput problem. The business owners didn’t seem to know how to fix it. The company wasn’t pro
Jan. 21 2016
Pick up a newspaper or watch the evening news and at some point you have seen a redacted document – you know - that nice document with all the black boxes covering up the data.Recently I... View More
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Jan. 9 2016
By helping clients implement best practices for higher-value communications — such as making mail more colorful, interactive, engaging and integrated with digital communications — leading mail... View More
Jan. 6 2016
Today's consumers are making demands on businesses like never before. Demands that businesses understand their needs and desires, message/market to them in their preferred manner, provide them with f... View More
May 27 2015
By Mike Porter ... View More
