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Oct. 17 2010 08:49 PM

The Mailers' Technical Advisory Committee (MTAC) elected Industry Leadership provides the Postal Service Leadership each calendar quarter with input referred to as the "Pulse of the Industry." Postal Service Senior Management views this as valuable information to help the Postal Service to be aware of latest issues, trends and concerns from the Industry's perspective - encompassing both the classes of mail (note: one is referred to as "At Large" which allows for flexibility) as well as the areas referred to as MTAC Focus Areas. This is to request that you provide this input directly to your elected MTAC Industry Leadership by November 12 - in time for the next MTAC Leadership Committee meeting on November 16.

Last March, when the PMG announced the Postal Service's plan for what he termed a "leaner, more market responsive Postal Service that can thrive far into the future," he challenged anyone with a vested interest in a viable postal system to put forth ideas to help the organization move forward. He has met regularly with customers and other stakeholders to bring them into the planning process. In August, you had your own "Innovation Symposium" and your ideas were added to those of CEOs from many of your organizations. The search for ideas continued on Sept. 15 - National Postal Customer Council Day - when the 200 local PCCs were asked for feedback on ideas. This past Wednesday, 140 stakeholders representing Congress, regulators, customers and USPS heard presentations from experts on the future of the mail and shared their thoughts in a format similar to the one you followed in August. Paul Vogel will be at the November MTAC meeting to provide an update on the process for evaluating the ideas. From