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July 17 2009 09:56 AM

 A recent Gallup poll found 95 percent of Americans believe it's vital for the Postal Service to remain in business, with two-thirds of respondents saying it's very important to them personally for the Postal Service to survive.

Americans also prefer the Postal Service's proposal to reduce mail deliveries to five days a week as the most acceptable step toward meeting the financial challenges facing USPS.

The poll asked Americans about nine possible remedies to help USPS financially. Sixty-six percent of respondents favor the plan to reduce mail deliveries by a day, with 33 percent opposed to the idea. The same percentage of respondents said reducing to five the number of days local Post Offices are open as the best option, with 32 percent opposed.

Respondents were evenly divided on federal funding for USPS, with 48 percent supporting each side.
From PCC Insider