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July 24 2009 03:27 PM

Matching workhours to workload and adjusting carrier routes to reduce the need for pivoting are among the topics discussed by DPMG and COO Pat Donahoe in his latest Field Updates video.

With mail volumes continuing to decline, Donahoe says now is the time for people to step up and make the changes necessary to prepare for the future. This includes making sure offices receiving mail processed by flats sequencing system equipment are prepared to function efficiently in this new environment, and to make and stabilize route adjustments.

Total mail volume this year is expected to drop to 175 billion pieces, as compared to a high of 213 billion pieces in 2006, according to Donahoe.
To increase delivery efficiency, Donahoe says USPS will continue to reduce the number of routes and move forward with other operational changes to help reduce costs.