Related to:
Aug. 3 2010 09:22 PM

For one day, Monday, AUGUST 23rd, the Los Angeles NDC will be CLOSED. Please advise drop shippers of the following: 

- Closure is due to major facility work that will suspend ALL electrical power between 0500 and 1700 hours.
- Only a hand full of maintenance engineers will be on-site during that time.
- Systems start up will begin sequentially after 1700 hours and will take a few hours to complete. 
- All mail processing types; parcels, bundles, trays, sacks, bedloads are affected.
- FAST Appointment Slots will be adjusted to prevent PVDS appointments for that date (8/23).
- Options for drop ship mail entry:
- Saturday, 8/21 (expanded appointment slots)
- Sunday, 8/22 (expanded appointment slots)
- Tuesday, 8/24 (expanded appointment slots)
- DNDC mailings can NOT be diverted to other Los Angeles basin processing centers.
- Mailers are asked to plan their production and logistics to the LA NDC for Monday, 8/23 as if it were a widely observed postal holiday.

Local mailers and major shippers in the California area will be contacted by LA NDC and Area/District BSN. Please contact James Moran Jr., Los Angeles NDC on 323.729.4143 or if you have any questions or need additional information regarding this matter.