In separately filed comments with the Postal Regulatory Commission in the matter of the Postal Service's exigency rate increase request, the Saturation Mailers Coalition, Valassis Direct Mail, Inc., Valpak Direct Marketing Systems, Inc. and Valpak Dealers' Association said that they "agree that an exigent rate increase at this time is particularly problematic for mailers and ultimately the Postal Service because of the still-fragile condition of the nation's economy and the marketplace....However, we disagree with the AMA motion's contention that the blame for the Postal Service's financial woes can be placed primarily at the doorstep of postal management. The Postal Service is subject to a myriad of legal, regulatory, and political constraints and burdens that impair its ability to manage and place it at a disadvantage with private-sector competitors, including the restructuring and labor issues cited by AMA as evidence of mismanagement." Read more! 
