From PCC Insider: A new study conducted by The Media Audit reveals that the percent of adults who are considered heavy direct mail users has been slowly growing over the past three years, despite dramatic increases in online advertising expenditures such as e-mail marketing, website banners and search.

According to the report, 18 percent of adults are considered heavy direct mail users, compared to 17.8 percent in 2007 and 17 percent in 2006. The Media Audit defines heavy users as having read three-fourths or more of direct mail received in the typical week. Among all U.S. adults, only 27.3 percent do not read any direct mail received in a typical week.

The results may be an indication that today's budget conscious consumer still finds value in the medium. More than $50 billion was spent on direct mail advertising in 2008.

Among heavy direct mail users, 63% are female, while 37% are male, with an average household income of $59,232. Fifty-five percent are between the ages of 25 and 54. Also, heavy direct mail users are more likely than the average adult to be spending money on home remodeling, consumer electronics and new furniture.

According to the study, one in five heavy direct mail users plan to remodel their home in the next 12 months, a figure that is 18% higher than the national average. Further, heavy direct mail users are 20% more likely to be buying new furniture and 21% more likely to be buying a major household appliance in the next 12 months.