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Oct. 19 2011 07:32 PM

Courier, Express, and Postal Observer--In a video entitled, "Is the Postal Service Worth Saving?" WSJ Marketplace Editor Dennis Berman and Mean Street host Evan Newmark suggest that the only reason Congress doesn't put the Postal Service out of business is that "saving the USPS could put votes in politician's pockets." Both Mr. Berman and Mr. Newmark express an incredible ignorance about the postal market and why national posts worldwide are profitable and remain an integral part of a nation's infrastructure. The Wall Street Journal's conclusion that there is no business case for the Postal Service because of personal correspondence reflects a communications world of 30 years ago, not today. Today, the business case reflects the role of the Postal Service primarily as a commercial service primarily serving businesses, non-profits and governmental customers. Its secondary role is handling the correspondence and parcels that are sent one at a time or in small quantities. Read more!