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April 28 2011 06:31 PM"When The Move Up' came, and we heard this from the Post Office, I almost freaked out," says Debbie Grossman, executive director of the small Chicago-based nonprofit Blind Service Association (BSA). Her first reaction to the new regulations was, "Oh my God! This is going to be so expensive to us. Is it going to be worth it in the end to do this?"

Grossman couldn't have been alone. While the recession has put tremendous strain on small businesses of every stripe-and perhaps none have been strained more than nonprofits-the USPS has been adjusting to its own changing business with rate increases and ever more specific requirements for mailers to earn work-share discounts. "The Move Up," as Grossman calls it, is the relatively new requirement (it went into effect in November of 2008, but many companies are still struggling to comply) for mailers to perform National Change of Address (NCOA) updates on their lists no more than 95 days before each mailing or forfeit the ability to mail at anything other than full First Class postage. Read more!