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March 23 2011 08:29 PM's not the most exciting medium, perhaps, but I still believe it's the best way to generate new customers," is what Alan Rosenspan, president of Alan Rosenspan Associates, had to say about direct mail. Rosenspan knows direct marketing. He's won over 100 awards for creativity and results; taught direct marketing for the DMA, Bentley College and Babson University; and he is a frequent contributor to the research arm of the Target Marketing group DirectMarketingIQ.

Hearing Rosenspan speak about direct mail best practices as part of the All Star Round Table that opened Direct Marketing Day @ Your Desk 2011 was a rare treat, and one you can still partake in on-demand for free. Few people are more in-touch with the best practices of direct marketing today than Rosenspan, and he shared five new direct mail secrets during the show. Read more!