On Wednesday, September 16 at 12:00 noon (EDT), Postmaster General Jack Potter will host a national satellite broadcast address to Postal Service customers and partners across the country as part of National PCC Day. This annual event showcases the collaborative nature of the work of the Postal Service with the more than 200 PCCs across the country. PCC members will hear how businesses of all sizes can benefit from participating in their local PCC as well as information on the Postal Service's current financial challenges, service performance, and strategies for growth.

    At PCCs around the country, workshops on Package Services and Results-Driven Marketing will be conducted to educate businesses on Postal Service products and services and show how profitable it can be for companies that use direct mail during a down economy.

    PCCs, with a membership of 100,000, are a network of business mailers and representatives of the U.S. Postal Service who gather regularly to discuss ways to make mail service more efficient and improve customer satisfaction.

    For more information about PCCs andfind National PCC Day events taking place near you, please visit the National PCC Website at www.usps.com/pcc.  