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April 4 2011 09:54 PM

O'BRIEN RECEIVES MUMA AWARD. PostCom Director and former board chairman Jim O'Brien, Time Inc., received the IDEAlliance's prestigious Mumma award this week at the 2011 Print Distribution Conference. The Donald. A. Mumma award is presented annually by the IDEAlliance as its highest award for distinction in the mail preparation and processing arena. The award is named for Donald A. Mumma, a USPS branch manager who was described as a new type of Postal Service manager in the early 1980's. The Mumma Award was created in 1985 in his memory to serve as a constant reminder that collaboration is key to success.

SCHIMEK AND VINGELIS RECEIVE CIRCLE AWARDS. PostCom Director Bob Schimek, BCC Software, and PostCom member Wallace Vingelis, Window Book, received the IDEAlliance's Circle Award at this week's 2011 Print Distribution conference. The Circle Award was established by the IDEAlliance in 2005 to recognize outstanding and innovative contributions to advance the working groups of IDEAlliance. Schimek was recognized for his work as co-chair of the IDEAlliance's Mai.dat working group; and Vingelis was recognized for his work as co-chair of the Mail.dat working group and Mail Software Development Group (MSDG). 
