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Nov. 12 2012 08:19 AM

Window Book Postal Concierge--The United States Postal Service® (USPS®) recently proposed six (6) new promotions/incentives for First-Class and Standard Mail® mailers to take advantage of at various times throughout 2013. These promotions are geared toward increasing mail volumes from mailers, for which the USPS is offering postage incentives for participation. Based on the success of the Mobile Barcode incentives, the USPS is adding similar incentives in 2013 as well as introducing new types of incentives. These promotions are currently pending approval from the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC), but are expected to be approved soon. We strongly encourage mailers to participate in these promotions and incentives when they become available, but be advised - all of these programs require the use of Intelligent Mail barcodes and the submission of electronic documentation (eDoc).
The Promotions

March 1 - April 30, 2013:
Mobile Coupon/Click-to-Call: This promotion provides an upfront two percent (2%) postage discount on the integration of mail with mobile technology and will promote the value of direct mail in two ways. First, it will encourage customers to integrate hard-copy coupons in the mail with mobile platforms for redemption. Second, it will drive consumer awareness and increase usage of mail with mobile barcodes that provide click-to-call functionality. Registration is January 15 2013, to April 30, 2013.
April 1 - June 30, 2013:
Earned Value Reply Mail Promotion: First-Class Mail Business Reply and Courtesy Reply mailers will receive a $0.02 postage credit for each Business Reply Mail (BRM) or Courtesy Reply Mail (CRM) piece that is scanned in the postal network. This promotion is designed to encourage mailers to promote First-Class Mail as a primary reply mechanism for their customers and to keep the CRM/BRM envelopes in their outgoing mail pieces by providing a financial benefit when the CRM/BRM envelopes are used. Registration is January 1, 2013 to March 31, 2013.
August 1 - Sept. 30, 2013:

Emerging Technologies: Provides an upfront two percent (2%) postage discount and is designed to build on the successes of past mobile barcode promotions in promoting awareness of how innovative technologies, such as Near-Field Communication, Augmented Reality, and Authentication can be integrated with a direct mail strategy to enhance the value of direct mail. Registration is June 15, 2013 to September 30, 2013.
Picture Permit: The Picture Permit promotion is designed to promote the use of picture permit imprint indicia, which improves a mailpiece's visibility and impact as a marketing tool. First-Class Mail letters and cards will be discounted 1 cent per mailpiece, and Standard Mail letters and cards will be discounted 2 cents per mailpiece. Registration is June 15, 2013 to September 30, 2013.
Product Samples: Designed to re-invigorate product sampling via the mail, the Product Samples promotion will provide mailers with a five percent (5%) upfront postage discount on qualifying mail that contains product samples. The promotion will raise awareness of the new "Simple Samples" pricing in Standard Mail, effective January 27. Registration is May 1, 2013 to September 30, 2013.
Nov. 1, 2013, - Dec. 31, 2013
Mobile Buy-it-Now: This promotion provide mailers with an upfront 2 percent postage discount to encourage them to adopt and invest in technologies that enhance how consumers interact and engage with mail and demonstrate how direct mail combined with mobile technology can be a convenient method for consumers to do their holiday shopping. Registration is September 15, 2013 to December 31, 2013. Resources
The USPS has a dedicated web page to provide information for promotions and incentives. Available on that page are details regarding these proposed promotions, but the best place to get detailed information is at their Promotions Calendar Overview.

Window Book will also be hosting webinars on these promotions once they have been approved by the PRC and more details are available.