Postal Reporter News Blog--Re: Comments of the National Postal Mail Handlers Union on the Postal Service's Proposed Rule, Service Standards for Market-Dominant Mail Products

The National Postal Mail Handlers Union ("NPMHU"), which serves as the exclusive collective bargaining representative for almost 47,000 mail handlers employed by the U.S. Postal Service ("Postal Service," "Service," or "USPS"), hereby submits these comments in opposition to the Postal Service's December 15, 2011 Proposed Rule regarding "Service Standards for Market-Dominant Mail Products" ("Proposed Rule"). See 76 Fed. Reg. 77,942 (Dec. 15, 2011). The NPMHU submitted comments in opposition to the Postal Service's Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, and incorporates by reference those comments here, in addition to the comments offered below.
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