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Oct. 29 2012 09:20 AM

Hurricane Sandy is expected to hit the East Coast on Monday, October 29, 2012. There may be major flooding, high winds and power outages throughout the East Coast. If PostalOne!® is unavailable in hurricane impacted areas, or mailers are unable to produce their mailing documentation, the BMEUs, DMUs and Post Offices will operate under the PostalOne!® Contingency Plan. This plan will allow mailings to continue to be accepted with as little impact to mailer as possible and ensure all fees and postage is collect during this period. Below is a brief summary of the PostalOne! Contingency Plan:

Acceptance units will move to a manual process when necessary to record all mailings presented if the PostalOne!® system is unavailable.

A Record of Mailings log will be created for each permit holder that presents a mailing if the PostalOne!® system is unavailable.

Each mailing accepted will be recorded on the Record of Mailings log.

Each postage statement, will be retained with, and numerically assigned to, the Records of Mailing Log. Mailers who normally submit their postage statements electronically, either through the Postal Wizard or through Mail.dat or Mail.XML, may submit hardcopy postage statements or provide a hardcopy Daily Log of Mailings (copy attached) or facsimile.

If a mailer is unable to upload files and PostalOne! is operational, the Full-service discount will be allowed pending outcome of problem.

Mailers will need to submit their Full-Service electronic documentation once the systems are restored.

Mailers who are entering Plant Verified Drop Shipment (PVDS) mailings and cannot reach the intended destinating facility may deposit the mailings at the nearest open Postal facility that can accommodate the mailing(s).

Mailers will be required to submit the appropriate PS Form 8125 with the mailing to show postage has been paid.

If you have any questions please call the Help Desk at 800-522-9085.