New postage statements associated with the January 2013 price change are available on Postal Explorer®. The Postage Statement link is in the left column under *NEW* Jan. 27, 2013 Price Change Info. As of January 27, 2013, all postage statements dated prior to that date are obsolete. In some instances, consideration will be given to exception requests to use the January 2012 or June 2012 version, as applicable. Manifest mailers may use postage statements dated January 2012 or June 2012 only if they reflect the January 27, 2013 prices. Only the January 2013 postage statements can be used when a new product is launched or has been renamed or is no longer accepted through a BME or DMU. Examples include Parcel Post transferred to the competitive product list and rebranded as the Retail product "Standard Post" and mailings of rolls and packages transferred from First-Class Mail International to the competitive product list and rebranded as First-Class Package International Service (FCPIS). If vendors, software providers, or mailers encounter difficulty submitting January 2013 postage statements, please contact your local acceptance office or Manager of Business Mail Entry to determine the best solution. Mailers using the Electronic Verification System (eVS®) for manifesting who need assistance should contact their Strategic Account or Business Alliance Manager.