WASHINGTON - During today's meeting of the U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors, Mickey D. Barnett was elected chairman and James H. Bilbray was elected vice chairman. Barnett, the Board's current vice chairman, will succeed Chairman Thurgood Marshall, Jr., who has served as chairman since December 2011 and whose term on the Board ends in December. Barnett and Bilbray will assume their new leadership roles during the Board's next meeting in December.
Barnett is an attorney and former New Mexico state senator. He was appointed a governor by President George W. Bush on Aug. 17, 2006 for a term that expires Dec. 8, 2013. He currently serves as a member of the Audit and Finance Committee and the Compensation and Management Resources Committee.

Bilbray is an attorney and former member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Nevada. He was appointed a governor by President George W. Bush on Aug. 17, 2006 and was reappointed on Dec. 15, 2006 by President Bush to an additional nine-year term that expires Dec. 8, 2015. He currently serves as the chairman of the Governance, Regulatory, and Strategic Planning Committee.

Bios of all the Governors are available at:

The Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.