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Feb. 13 2015 09:02 AM

There's a great deal of talk in the media today about Big Data and justifiably so. Technology has

now made it possible not only to manage extremely large databases real time but also to draw meaning from unstructured data such as customer comments and complaints and video records. None of this was possible only a few years ago. For the posts these are technology changes that could prove revolutionary.

What's more, the concept of an Internet of things is already becoming a reality and promises to add to the opportunities and challenges posed by big data. Few institutions touch as many people, places and things as do the posts. The technologies that can draw meaning from these billions of touch points will be transformational for businesses throughout the world.

PostalVision2020/5.0 will engage the question how can new thinking about big data offer opportunities for changing the postal ecosystem?
Postal/Private collaboration is creating new business models to manage Big DataHow will the Internet of Things expand the scope of today's vision for Big Data?Where will the opportunities, pitfalls and risks be for the posts in taking advantage of these expanding data management tasks?
Our expert panel includes Adam Houck, IBM; Wendy Eitan, from the UPU; and Etay Oren, from Communithings in Brussels.

This panel will update you on developments but more importantly you will be able to join in discussion to drill down into the issues, get your questions answered and collaborate with the best and the brightest on these topics.

See the full agenda for additional sessions. Register here to secure your seat at the table as space is limited for this unprecedented exercise in postal ecosystem reinvention.