WASHINGTON - In a strategic organizational shift designed to achieve long-term business objectives, Postmaster General John Potter announced today realignments within two groups representing key areas of revenue growth for the U.S. Postal Service.

Within the Mailing and Shipping Services organization, the Expedited Shipping and Ground Shipping groups have merged into a single Shipping Services group. Potter named Gary Reblin to lead the unified package services group as vice president, Shipping Services. In his expanded role, Reblin will be responsible for all shipping products and services and customer service improvements, including product solutions, marketing, promotions and revenue in both market dominant and competitive product classifications.

Citing the need to provide world-class product visibility and continuous improvement, Potter named Jim Cochrane as vice president, Product Visibility and Operational Performance. In the newly formed group, reporting to the senior vice president Intelligent Mail and Address Quality, Cochrane will lead the development of innovations in scanning technologies and tracking systems, including the Intelligent Mail barcode, and the implementation of product scanning improvements. His team will focus on operational performance, product intelligence and technology development.

"Gary and Jim have solid track records in building our shipping services business," said Potter. "Their proven leadership is critical to continued growth in our shipping business and the implementation of technology-driven solutions that match the needs of a rapidly evolving mailing industry." Potter said the new internal structures will result in more competitive package products and scanning visibility information for customers. Staffing for the new groups is being filled primarily from among personnel in Expedited Shipping, Ground Shipping, and Intelligent Mail and Address Quality, with no net increase in staff positions.

A 15-year postal veteran, Reblin was appointed vice president of Expedited Shipping for the Postal Service in Feb. 2008. In that role, Reblin was responsible for Express Mail and Priority Mail products and services, and developing programs to maximize their profitability and value. Prior to his appointment as vice president, Expedited Shipping, Reblin served as manager of Intelligent Mail Planning and Standards, where he led the Postal Service's efforts to upgrade its technical infrastructure and develop the Intelligent Mail barcode, which has enabled the Postal Service to identify and track every piece of U.S. Mail.

Prior to his appointment as vice president of Ground Shipping for the Postal Service in September 2008, Cochrane was manager of Package Services, directing product development and strategy for the Postal Service's $11 billion portfolio of domestic and international package products. A 36-year postal veteran, Cochrane also served as associate vice president of Marketing and Strategy for the Expedited Package Services strategic business unit, where he directed marketing and advertising for package products. Cochrane has extensive operational background, having spent 25 years in operations, including district manager, Capital District, and senior plant manager, Northern Virginia District.