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July 22 2010 07:38 AM

Overnight Prints has reported that "Mintel Comperemedia recently reported that direct mail volumes are on the rise, a sign that many businesses are renewing their marketing efforts after the economic recession caused many to focus on customer retention rather than acquisition. Now, it seems this trend toward direct mail marketing will continue. A recent report from research firm MagnaGlobal indicates that direct mail will account for $19.17 billion in advertising revenue during 2010. This figure makes direct mail the top revenue generator tracked by the firm. This indicates mailers defy the general slowdown of other forms of direct media, including Yellow Pages, directories, and lead generation. During 2008 and 2009, the category rose sharply, with direct media collectively accounting for more than 25 percent of ad revenues in the United States. However, in the first quarter of 2010, many of the sub-sectors showed slower-than-anticipated growth." Read the full story here.
