From the Federal Register:

The Postal Service proposes to utilize mobile fueling contractors to fuel vehicles on site at selected postal facilities located throughout the United States. The program would focus on, but not be limited to, city and rural delivery units with 30 or more routes using vehicles owned by the Postal Service. Based on these criteria, it is anticipated that up to 1,100 sites may be eligible to convert to mobile fueling. Mobile fueling, also known as fleet fueling, wet fueling, or wet hosing, is the practice of filling fuel tanks of vehicles directly from tank trucks. In this scenario, mobile refueling contractors drive tank trucks onto Postal Service property to fuel parked delivery vehicles and drive the tank trucks off site when fueling is completed. At this time, the only alternative identified is the "no action" alternative of continuing to fuel delivery vehicles off-site at commercial gas stations.

It is estimated that the Programmatic Environmental Assessment will be completed by August 1, 2010.