Feb. 12 2007 12:46 PM

 From the National Association of Postmasters of the U.S. - www.napus.org

Emerging Threat in State Capitols

NAPUS is actively opposing a growing number of anti-postal bills than have been introduced at the state level. These measures, which create "do not mail registries", would seriously undermine postal services and displace countless employees in postal-impacted companies. We believe that the authors of these measures are oblivious to the disastrous impact that these measure would have on the American public and affordable universal mail service.

Generally, the bills would instruct a state agency to establish a "Do Not Mail Registry," in which states residents may add their names and addresses. Unless the resident has an established relationship with the company, the company would be prohibited from mailing unsolicited material to the resident. The respective state would be able to levy fines against violators. This legislative initiative, incited by a number of vocal environmental groups and privacy advocates, would result in a major reduction in mail volume and USPS revenue. This would seriously undercut the financial capability of the USPS to maintain the postal infrastructure, which provides universal mail service. Moreover, NAPUS believes that the authors of the measures are unaware of this impact and are educating them of the harm to mail service to their constituents.

Do Not Mail Registry bills are pending in Connecticut, Hawaii, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, New York, Texas and Washington.



