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A-Qua Mailer, Lorton Data's on-demand direct mail service, was selected as a 'Worth-a-Look' product at Graph Expo 2010. Must See ems, and their companion Worth-a-Look products, were selected from the more than 2,000 individual products being shown at Graph Expo 2010 by just over 500 exhibitors. Products were nominated in a reiterative process from supplier information including pre-show briefings and input from an independent Selection Committee. Nominees were reviewed and voted on by a 19 person committee in a secret ballot that required more than a majority agreement for the product to receive a Must See ems status. Products identified as compelling, but of importance to a more limited audience, have been identified as Worth-a-Looks.
All of the products being exhibited at this year's show were eligible for Must See ems recognition consideration. Exhibitors submitted information and the Selection Committee surveyed the more than 2,000 products to be exhibited at Graph Expo 2010 to nominate 115 products for detailed evaluation. While all nominated products had interesting characteristics and merit for printer consideration, not all achieved Must See ems or Worth-a-Look status.
A-Qua Mailer is a complete, on-demand suite of direct mail services managed by experts, available to any size organization, any place and any time, providing cost saving pre-mailing solutions. If you can browse the internet, you can access A-Qua Mailer's address quality and mail list processing services including ZIP + 4® Coding, NCOALink® processing, Duplicate Elimination, Postal Presort, Intelligent Mail® barcodes, and more without installing software on your computer. Choose from Pay-per-Job, Unit subscription, or Annual Unlimited subscription options depending on your unique needs. Purchase only the services you need, in the quantity you need, and only when you need them.
For more information on A-Qua Mailer, contact Lorton Data at 651-203-8290, sales@lortondata.com, or www.lortondata.com