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Nov. 30 2010 08:17 PM

Postal Affairs Blog--Yesterday Dead Tree Edition published this post on Barriers to Intelligent Mail, identified by the Office of Inspector General here. I am referencing the same OIG doc below, but focusing on the OIG Recommendations and the USPS Reponses. My comments included throughout.

OIG Recommendation:
Re-emphasize Full Service Intelligent Mail benefits to Postal Service Business Mailers
USPS Response:
Mainly consists of a yeah, we're on it. Don't worry about it.
My comments:
The problem isn't that the benefits haven't been communicated. It is that, for many mailers and mail owners, there is no return on investment. It is simple. It costs more to implement and maintain than the value that is placed on the benefits. And this is not because mailers don't understand the benefits. Should program benefits be difficult to understand in the first place?

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